So no more excuses. . . .

A Selfish Love

“Love is Kind”

“Love is Joy”

Love is Selfless.

With love, though comes its mate. Its match. Its darling. 

And To be loved. That is ‘I.’

To be loved is greedy.

To be loved is lonely.

To be loved is desperate. 

To be loved.

To be the center of someone’s universe.

To be the one they call first.  And last.

To be thought of.

To be treasured.

To be missed.

To be remembered

To be kissed. Not just as a kiss, but as the kiss.

To be the final lover.  The final date. The final crush.

To be their ‘one and only.’ 

To be the one they can’t get over.

To be the one they gaze at and can’t look away from.

To be the one that makes them stumble over words.

To be the muse behind the painting. The memory before the poem. The spark within the book. The note that caused the song.

To be the one they lie beside when life has come and gone.

To be the one they’ll never leave. 

To be the one who gets their love.  To be loved.

Each of us desperate.



Each wanting to be loved with the love of legends. 

After all. . . . . 

Love is loyal.

Love is faithful.

Love is gentle.

Love is precious.

Love sees no flaws. Love finds no faults.

Love is kind.

Love is joy.

Love is selfless.

To be loved . . . . oh . . . . to be loved. 





The Reading Connection. . .

The Real You 

A Small Queen Bee

Honor the Virtuous First – Then Save the Bad

“Take care lest perchance you fall into the mistake of thinking to gain more by being merciful than by being just; for to pardon him too easily that has transgressed is to wrong him that transgresses not.” ~ Baldassarre Castiglione

Enjoy What Makes You YOU!

Earth’s Mournful Cry

“Why? Why do only selfish people live, but those with a heart and the righteous die? The heaven have made such a cruel choice. Is there no fairness in this world?”

~ Wei Zheng (Nirvana in Fire)

**I think perhaps it is this sense of Fairness and Justice that separates the good from the bad.  The good know what should be done and do it, regardless of benefit to themselves. The bad see only what they would like to be done, seeing only the benefit to themselves.  The less fairness the world displays, the worse you know things are.

Who Makes You Happy?

What is Your Design?

Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.

 ~ Danny Kaye
